Language education alone is not enough to develop global human resources

One of the challenges of globalization is the importance of accepting diversity. It is not only about language, but also about recognizing and understanding the diversity of cultures, lifestyles, and races.

Creating a place of learning where diverse people can grow together.

Accept others and each other
Help each other
By creating a place of learning where people can work together in friendly rivalry, we will nurture “people” who have the ability to survive in a society where a “multicultural society” is the norm.

Online Language School

Features of Communico’s language school

The “English Interpretation Course” curriculum is based on our experience of operating language schools for more than 20 years.
Beyond the framework of a language school, we offer contents to learn “language x culture” so that you can truly communicate.
Regular classes held online for easy continuity
We offer 60 lessons per month with rich content.


Chinese Lesson Youtube Streaming (in preparation)

We are preparing to deliver Chinese lessons on Youtube, as we want more people to experience the Chinese language, which has been spoken for over 30 years.


School for children

Today’s children need to be able to live in a globalized society. As Japan’s population ages, and as Japanese society shifts to a multilingual and multicultural society, more communication skills will be required than ever before.

Communico provides resources for children to increase their ability to connect with others and to understand diversity.


Global After School Club

The wonderful thing about children is that they can communicate even when they don’t speak the language. Somewhere along the line, as they grow older, they build their own walls. By exposing them to an environment that requires “understanding of diversity” from an early age, we can remove the barriers to “different cultures and languages” that they will have more opportunities to come into contact with after entering higher education or finding a job, and cultivate the background to become human resources who can respond to globalization.

Providing a place for international educational exchange

We invite children of the same generation from overseas to hold summer schools for elementary school students to deepen their understanding.

Accepting children of the same generation from overseas as homestay hosts
Provide opportunities to understand “differences in customs and culture”.
Inviting children of the same generation from overseas to stay with host families
Japanese language lessons
Japanese language lessons, cultural experiences, etc.
Deepen exchanges
By conducting exchange activities at the camp, we can develop the ability to cope with multiculturalism more deeply through living together.